What Air Freshener Do Hotels Use

What Air Freshener Do Hotels Use

Wondering about what air freshener do hotels use? Well, as one of the leading hotel air freshener suppliers we can tell you there is so much more to; hotels smelling great than just a specific hotel scent diffuser or air freshener.

Always remember, your housekeeping staff is an integral part of your hotel; which does its absolute best to help make the entire establishments; look, feel, and smell fresh at all times. When providing them with the tools to counter bad odor and help make the hotel smell better; you need to multiple tools along with a nice air freshener in the end to seal the freshness.

When looking for ways of how do hotels smell so good, these are some of the products that can help you achieve the refreshing smell.

hotel scent diffuser, hotel air freshener suppliers

1.      Fabreze Fabric Refresher & Odor Eliminator

This is one of the first products a hotel uses against harsh stains that leave a bad smell in guest rooms.

Our fabric refresher breaks through the stain and the odor causing chemical completely eliminating the odor from the core. It helps clean the upholstery, bedding, and other surfaces. This product doesn’t mask the smell which means, you get cleaner results that help you manage the hotel furniture much better. When you add a hotel scent diffuser, it doesn’t have to fight the odor and can make your guest room smell better.

2.      Big D Control Fogger

Figuring out how do hotels smell so good; we discovered this product that help eliminate odor from air allowing the hotel scent diffuser to be more effective.

You do not immediately jump to finding what aur freshener do hotels use because before that they need something that will clear the air; which helps the air freshener actually make the guest room smell nicer for a significant period of time.  If you spray the air freshener and the air is dirty, it will not have the results you had been hoping for. Hence, most hotels use these to clean out the air for a better smelling room for their guests.

3.      Glade Air Freshener, Super Fresh Scent Aerosol

Finally, we have our air freshener that hotels use to make their rooms and rest of the establishment smell fresh and nice.

The final step in how do hotels smell so good is that they spray this commercially used hotel scent diffuser that is refreshing and leaves a clean smell that we all associate with. The apple notes in the air freshener gives the hotel rooms a natural smell that relaxes most guests and gives them that sense of calm.

What type of air freshener do hotels use

What Air Freshener Do Hotels Use Popularly?

When looking for a hotel scent diffuser do understand the market and wat your competitors are using for their hotels.

There are a number of smells that are associated with hospitality. That is why, as you would find hotel air freshener suppliers offering similar types of air freshener smells. This is related to forest, sea, wood, even celebratory scents according to the events that are approaching; such as cinnamon, coffee, and more. You would also find different hotels using citrus smells for different parts of their hotels.

When discussing, ow do hotels smell so good depends on what strategy they are using in order to clean their hotels; and then which scent are they spraying in their which area. Different smells are associated with different hotels. Though most hotels prefer neutral smells like the one we have to offer. This helps them maintain the same smell all year round that customer identify with at all times.

Why is It Important to Have a Significant Hotel Air Freshener?

A hotel wants their guest to remember them by something that triggers their memory with ease; that is why hotels always smell good and have a significant smell.

When you have the right air freshener that has a similar smell to something used in real life, such as the apple scented one, we have; it triggers great hotel memories and gives guests the push they need to visit you again the next time. Remember a smell is an easy and important trigger hotels have to place themselves in their guests’ minds’.

When it comes to what air freshener do hotels use, they use the one they feel would help guests would like when they visit them; and would be able to remember them by with ease.


As a hotel owner, when deciding what your hotel should smell like, we would suggest you choose something easy to source and smell guests will remember with ease.

DZEE Textiles offers a hotel scent diffuser that meets all hotel demands. You don’t have to look much into what air freshener do hotels use because as the leading hotel air freshener suppliers; we have done our research for you. We offer the right equipment and air freshener that answers the main question of how do hotels smell so good.


What do you think, what air freshener do hotels use and how do hotels smell so good? Let us know in the comments below.